
East of Constantinople, West of Shanghai


Across a sea of stars – Leiji Matsumoto, 1938-2023

Japanese animation hit Italy hard, starting on evening in April 1978, when Go Nagai’s Grandizer – in our country known as Goldrake – was first broadcast by our national television. The kids went crazy, the parents went crazy too. For the kids, after years of Hanna-Barbera cartoons, the idea of a serialized drama featuring giant monsters and fighting robots was mind-blowing. To chronically concerned parents, the idea of TV cartoons about fighting monsters and stomping cities was horrifying – and their kids’ enthusiasm sent them round the bend: all sorts of weird stories started circulating, from young kids plummeting to their deaths by jumping from windows trying to emulate the main characters of the series, to the diabolical plot of the Japanese government, that created anime with computer technology to “brainwash our children into emotionless samurai”.
It was pretty crazy – and the guys had no idea soon they’ll have to deal with videogames and roleplaying games. Concerned parents and those that preyed on them were about to have a field day, but these were only the opening shots.

At 11, I liked Grandizer/Goldrake enough, but I was already a science fiction reader, and found the science fiction side of the series to be dodgy, and the plot somewhat repetitive. So yes, I would watch the series, but I did not share my friends’ enthusiasm for it. It was OK, I guessed.
Everything changed a few months later, when our national TV gave us another cartoon from Japan: Captain Harlock.
A proper space opera, featuring piracy in space, an alien invasion, a dystopian future Earth and a side of ancient mysteries and space archaeology.
I instantly became a fan.

I liked the story, the characters, the ideas, the music – a mix of symphonic and space jazz – and I liked the art. The style of the series was instantly recognizable, and as the floodgates opened and more series were hastily translated and distributed by the budding commercial TV stations in our country, the style popped up again and again.

Long-limbed heroes, runty comedy relief characters, long-necked blond women… but also the sense of wonder of space adventure, and a strong pulp/classic SF influence. Those elements were always there.
In space giant robots stories (Danguard Ace), in space-fantasy adventures (Starzinger), in military space opera (Starblazers/Space Battleship Yamato), in when-worlds-collide space catastrophe (Queen Millennia), in that weirdly melancholy space adventure on a train (Galaxy Express 999), in more space pirate shenanigans (Queen Emeraldas).
Space was the constant element, as was the artwork.
In some cases characters crossed over, or appeared in multiple series that did not fit together, creating continuity hell. But it was all right – for a kid in love with science fiction, everything coming from that space cartoon guy was fine.

The space cartoon guy was Leiji Matsumoto, class of 1938 (he was three weeks younger than my mother), and the recent news of his death, at the age of 85, did not come as a shock (he had been in poor health for quite a while), but was a painful moment for me.
With his space opera stories, and his distinctive style, Matsumoto was one of the authors and artists that had a strong impact on me as a kid, and kept exerting his influence in later years.
I was delighted – but not surprised – when I discovered Matsumoto had illustrated the Japanese editions of the C.L. Moore stories of Northwest Smith and Jirel of Joiry, works of which he was apparently a fan, just like I was.

Matsumoto’s Northwest Smith is basically indistinguishable from Captain Harlock, and his Jirel is just another long-necked, long-haired “Matsumoto blonde” – but that’s OK with me.

Back when my friends were raving about giant robots and our parents were expecting some kind of cultural apocalypse, the stories derived from Leiji Matsumoto’s comic books gave me my fix of space opera, with sweeping vistas of strange planets, starship battles, and an ever-present sense of wonder, mixed with the bitter-sweet sense of humanity’s awe in front of the vastity of space.

My lack of sympathy for the local otaku and manga-maniacs is on record, and I have distanced myself from that subculture in the last twenty years, tired of the drama and the childishness of some fans.
But I still am a fan, of the medium, of the stories, of the artists.
Among those, Leiji Matsumoto is one of a handful that will always remain with me, influencing the way in which I think about stories, in the way I imagine my characters.
In my dreams of the vast sea of space.


Just like when I was in high school – a long reading weekend

Back when I was in high-school I spent a lot of time reading, and the summer was a particularly intense time. Indeed, I started reading in English because books in English lasted longer, and I had been reading through all of the readily available fantasy and science fiction on the bookstore shelves.

My teenage summers were filled with stories by Jack Vance, Poul Anderson, Gordon R. Dickson, C.J. Cherryh, Tanith Lee and Anne McCaffrey – to name just a few, that I still read and enjoy today.
Then, this morning, I chanced upon a conversation on Facebook about the literary merits of Alan Dean Foster – another staple of my young diet as a reader. These days Foster is known in my country mostly because of his novelizations, but back in the days his Pip & Flinx stories and his Humanx Commonwealth novels were very popular. Then things changed, and today the only books by Foster that get translated are his movie tie-ins.
This got me thinking.

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Leiji Matsumoto has been drawing comics and animated features forever, and it makes sense that when Japanese animation was first distributed in Italy, one of Matsumoto’s works was at the forefront of the anime invasion. Space Pirate Captain Harlock hit my country about six weeks before my 12th birthday, and instantly became my favorite Japanese cartoon. No giant robots stomping over the suburbs of Tokyo, but good old fashioned space opera – and it was just what the doctor ordered for a kid that had spent two years reading Jack Williamson and Edmond Hamilton. I mean, come on… space pirate? Where do I sign up?

Matsumoto’s Northwest Smith
Matsumoto’s cover for Shambleau

Only much later would I find out that Matsumoto had been, about ten years before, the illustrator for both the Northwest Smith stories and the Jirel of Joiry stories by C.L. Moore, when they had first been published in Japan. Impeccable pulp space opera credentials, that Matsumoto put to goo use not only in Harlock, but also in other works, and of course in Space Battleship Yamato, from 1974, a military sf/space opera that was the answer to the prayers of anyone grown up (not much, in fact) with The Legion of Space, and that felt trapped in a world in which there was not enough SF on the telly, nor in the bookstores.

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Return to the stars

Yesterday a story I had submitted for an anthology in November bounced back. Very kind letter from the editor, but alas, my story did not cut it. A pity, but it’s part of the game.
I asked my friend Marina to go through it, and then sent it along to another publisher. A British magazine, this time.
We’ll see what happens.

In the meantime I am writing two stories for two other submissions, the calls closing with the end of this month, and it’s been a strange sensation, because for the first time in almost five years I am back at writing my first love.

In the last three years, as writing became my only source of income, I have written basically anything as long as there’s a market: sword & sorcery & crime thrillers, Lovecraftian horror and time travel stories…

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Space Operetta

A friend asked me if flash fiction stories take place on Mongo.
Well played.

And Flash Gordon is particularly on topic, considering there is a Kickstarter going on for the Savage Worlds version of Flash Gordon.
You find the details here.


Flash Gordon, just like Buck Rogers (the comic series whose success Flash was launched to duplicate), were before my time, and when I was a kid I never caught them in their original form. Continue reading


A turning point and the Legion of Space

OK, I already wrote about this, a few years ago, on my Italian blog, but I thought I’d do a reboot.
Fact is, in a few days I’ll turn fifty, and I’m getting a bit melancholic and all that, and then a discussion popped up in which our earlier readings came up, and one thing led to the other, and here we are.
Legion_of_spaceForty years ago exactly I was about to turn ten.
As I think I have mentioned frequently, I was a kid that loved adventure TV series, who soaked up documentaries about space and dinosaurs and aquanauts and what else, and I loved reading – comic books and mysteries.
As my birthday was approaching, my grandmother Maria went to the bookshop two blocks from her house and asked the guy there to suggest her a good book for a kid of ten that loved reading.
And the guy suggested The Legion of Space, by Jack Williamson.
The book is considered one of the landmark stories of science fiction – it was originally serialized in 1934 on Astounding Stories.
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The Queen of Space Opera

Leigh_Brackett_1941The Queen of Space Opera was born 100 years ago, on December the 7th 1915, in Los Angeles, California.
Her name was Leigh Brackett.

When I started reading science fiction, back in 1976, I started with lots of Golden Age of Science Fiction space opera – Jack Williamson, Edmond Hamilton, and Hamilton’s wife, Leigh Brackett.
My schoolmates were reading Isaac Asimov, and yes, I read his books too – as I read all the SF I could lay my hands on.
But those earlier books, often fix-ups or expansions of stories and novellas originally published in pulp magazines, remained with me for a long time.
I read her books in Italian, and later got me copies of the originals, and re-read them in English. Continue reading