
East of Constantinople, West of Shanghai

A fistful of Boomstick Awards


boomstick2015-SmallThe Karavansara blog has been awarded the coveted Boomstick Award 2015 – it’s the second year we catch the boomstick, and I must thank my friend Fabrizio Borgio for pinning the medal, so to speak, on my blog’s chest.

One of the privileges of being awarded the Boomstick Award is the option of awarding seven other blogs.

The rules in brief…

1 . the awards are 7, not one more, not one less.

2 . those that do not get a Boomstick do not deserve any explanation or justification

3 . prized must be motivated, if briefly

4 . the rules cannot be changed[^1]

Who deserves a Boomstick?
Bloggers that do their blogging with style, class, of course.
So here’s some people that, in my opinion, deserve a Boomstick…

1 . Book and Negative – the English version
. because it is a bilingual blog
. because it does not care for fools
. because it is the home of the Boomstick

2 . Space of Entropy
. because this is yet another bilingual blog
. because Marina is one of my long suffering editrixes and beta readers
. because she does not update her blog often, but it’s always a pleasure reading her

3 . Scribblings
. because Claire’s a serious writer
. because she doubles as my steely-knife-wielding editirx
. because she does not expect this

4 . the blog of Angelo Benuzzi
. because he writes killer military SF
. because he’s still looking for the missing link even if I explained him there ain’t such a thing as a missing link
. because I’m editing him

5 . the Redjack blog
. because it is one of the best online resources about Jack teh Ripper, and it’s in Italian
. because I know how much work goes into it
. because my brother is the author

6 . the Moon Base Factory blog
. because they are the ultimate narrative skunkworks crew
. because I have to ask forgiveness for not contributing to it more regularly
. because there’s so many voodoo dolls with the Moon base Factory logo, out there, and the guys deserve some hard loving

7 . anyone but…

no, ok, seriously…

7 . Caponata Meccanica

. because it is a gaming blog by a fiction author
. or, a fiction blog by a gaming author
. because it deserves a wider circulation

And that’s it, as they say.
these are my Boomsticks.
If you don’t like them… I’ll post a second brace of them on strategie evolutive in a few days.
Keep an eye out.

Author: Davide Mana

Paleontologist. By day, researcher, teacher and ecological statistics guru. By night, pulp fantasy author-publisher, translator and blogger. In the spare time, Orientalist Anonymous, guerilla cook.

5 thoughts on “A fistful of Boomstick Awards

  1. Why, thank you!
    And no, I wasn’t expecting it – and for the second year in a row!
    I drop a curtsey, and proudly consider myself boomsticked. 🙂


  2. Oh, my! This is absolutely unexpected. Thanks a lot, pal. By the way, the missing link is out there, hidden in some mysterious and exotic spot. 🙂


  3. Pingback: This is my Boomstick, once more | Space of entropy

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