
East of Constantinople, West of Shanghai

Easter Game-Designing Marathon

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italia-doppelgangerIt all started with my cell-mate Alex Girola publishing a roleplaying game based on his work, the stories in the Italia Doppelganger. After years that I kept talking about doing an Aculeo & Amunet game, and got bounced back by publishers, Alex went the indie way with his game, and was quite successful.

So we were talking this thing over, the other day, and I mentioned my current work with my brother, and the things we are planning, and one thing led to another, and I ended up getting a license to publish a supplement for the Italia Doppelganger game, based on my own Horrors of the Belbo Valley stories.

And you can keep the money!

… Alex said.
Well, why not?

mana bros base squareIt will be an excellent opportunity to test all the bits and pieces we have been putting together as Mana Bros to start publishing our own stuff, with the two extra bonuses of

  • not needing a game system (because we’ll be plugged into **Italia Doppelganger**’s engine)
  • having all the material handy because I’ve got the documentation for my short stories.

And yes, we’d have an interested public, too.
We’ll be working on this on Easter’s weekend, and we plan it as a solid sourcebook to go with Alex’s game, plus a paperback tie-in reprint of all the stories.

valle belbo per doppelgangerThis will be the book that officially launches the Mana Bros adventure1 – and it will be in Italian, due to the fact that the game we are supporting is in Italian.
All other titles from Mana Bros will come out both in Italian and English, with English coming out first. But I guess this time around my Italian Patrons will be the ones that get lucky.

And yet who knows, we could then expand the sourcebook into a proper game, and do a stand-alone English version, translating the stories, too.
After all, these are horror tales set in the same places where BUSCAFUSCO plies his trade.

Anyway, now what we need is to go to the supermarket and stock up the refrigerator, because we are getting ready for a two-men, four-days intensive game-designing marathon.
It will be fun.
We’ll post timely updates.

  1. my brother is working on a revamped website, and we do have a Facebook Page for this venture. 

Author: Davide Mana

Paleontologist. By day, researcher, teacher and ecological statistics guru. By night, pulp fantasy author-publisher, translator and blogger. In the spare time, Orientalist Anonymous, guerilla cook.

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